Privacy and Personal Data Protection

On this site, you can find an overview of the main principles of personal and other data protection. Our company, Krone Consulting s.r.o. , Company Registration No.: 502 48 332
VAT Tax ID: SK2120266060, with its registered office at Mlynské Nivy 5, 821 09 Bratislava, incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Slovak Ministry of Justice, File No. 110642/B (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), as an operator of the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Web”) and a provider of other Internet services, handles (processes and collects) personal data in compliance with applicable regulations, in particular, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR”), and Act No. 18/2018 on personal data protection and amending and supplementing certain Acts, until further notice. The personal data provided shall only be disclosed to employees of our Company and to entities related to our Companies in terms of personal and proprietary relations, and may also be disclosed to business partners and other entities.

Types of Personal Data Collected and Processed

In our Company, we collect the following data about users of our services:

In the case of registration of a user account for selected services, we record, for example, the user’s name or nickname, email, password in an encrypted form, as well as other profile information (e.g., address, date of birth, profile photos, age, gender, geographic location), or, as the case may be, business name, name, registered office, place of business, identification number, bank details, credit card number. Other user data are obtained via cookie files as referred to here: Cookies. Last but not least, we obtain specific data from various consumer contests, researches and questionnaires in which the user participates based on his/her consent and which the user complete here voluntarily.

Purpose of Personal Data Processing and Collecting

The data provided shall be collected, in particularly, in order to:

  • Use services and products provided by the Company or third parties based on contractual arrangements with the Company and settle all rights and obligations under the order of a specific service and product (including, for example, administration of and making a payment for the respective service or product);
  • Win a prize in consumer contests arranged by our Company;
  • Manage user accounts and adjust services to individual user’s needs and interests;
  • Send commercial communications via email or notifications of new services or the improvement thereof on the web portals of the Company, including other marketing activities of the Company. It is possible to unsubscribe from receiving commercial communications in the setting of the service for the subscription of which the user has registered, or by email:
  • Distribute prizes from contests, small gifts or goods and service ordered through any of the Company’s web portal. Such data shall be used exclusively to deliver prizes, gifts or the goods and services ordered or to verify contact data;
  • Create and distribute advertisements relevant to the user’s interests, the so called behavioural targeting online advertising. The behavioural online advertising is a method of displaying advertisements on visited websites so that the advertisement reflects more the user’s interests and, thus, to be the most relevant to them. The data obtained thereby do now allow to identify the user as a natural person in the real world and are collected and analysed strictly anonymously. Users can choose at any time between taking or not taking the advantages of more relevant advertisements by subscribing to or unsubscribing from the behavioural targeting at the address provided below.  In this context, strictly anonymised identifiers based on email address (so called hashes) may be transferred to third parties for the purposes of automatised behavioural targeting/segmentation of advertisements for the users of the Company services. However, it is not possible to identify any respective user in any way based on such data.
  • As for anonymous statistical recording: anonymous cookies are stored during each visit of our websites or services provided by our Company. Thereby we are able to identify how many users visit our sites repeatedly. However, such data are purely anonymous, statistical data without any possibility to identify any specific user.
Consent to Processing

By visiting the websites of our Company and/or by entering any data in the form available on any website of our Company, you give your consent to the processing of the data provided or the data based on your visit of this website.

Methods of Personal Data Protection

Any and all data provided by you shall be protected by standard procedures and technologies. As the Internet is not a completely secure environment, we cannot fully guarantee the security of information transferred by the users to individual services of the Company. Thus, in this context, it is impossible to provide a 100% guarantee that the information provided cannot be accessed, copied, published, changed or destroyed in any way by braking the Company’s physical, technical or managerial security measures. However, in this regard, we guarantee that we regularly check the system for vulnerability and possible attacks and take such security measures that may be reasonably required from us to prevent any unauthorised access to the data provided and that, considering the state-of-the-art technologies, provide sufficient protection. The security measures taken are then regularly updated.

In order to provide better protection of users’ personal data, the access to the data is protected by a password and sensitive data are encrypted when transmitted between the user’s browser and the Company’s websites.

Each user shall be responsible for keeping his/her unique password and other account data in confidence and having a constant control over the access to his/her email communication. Users acknowledge that emails, instant messages, blogs and other types of communication with other users of the Company’s websites are not encrypted. We strictly recommend not to use such forms of communication for the provision of confidential information.

Your Rights

Should you believe that your personal data are not processed in compliance with legal regulations, you are entitled to contact our Company and require the situation to be corrected. If your request is considered justified, the Company shall remedy the defective state without undue delay. Your right to lodge a complaint directly with the Office for Personal Data Protection shall not be affected thereby.

For more informations please let us know at:

Access to Personal Data

If any data provided by you has changed, let us know, please, as soon as possible so that the data we process are always up-to-date. In the case that any data processed by our Company do not correspond to the facts, you have the right to rectification thereof.

Personal Data Retention Period

We shall keep your data for the period of 10 years or, as the case may be, for the period when your account is active or until it is necessary for the purposes of provision of services, and/or until your consent to personal data processing is withdrawn. This, however, does not affect the Company’s right to process the user data in compliance with applicable generally binding legal regulations, in particular, for the purposes of settlement disputes and final settlement of all rights and obligations relating to the provision of any respective service.

Pursuant to applicable legal regulations, we are obliged to publish the user’s personal data, information about the user’s IP address, operation or other activities:

  • Upon request of the court, the Police of the Slovak Republic, or other enforcement authorities, including specialised entities (the Organized Crime Agency, Customs, etc.);
  • To enforce the contract terms and conditions with the user;
  • As protection means for the security and integrity of the Company websites;
  • As means to exercise or protect the rights, property and personal safety of other Company service’s users and other persons.

Contact to Webmaster

Should you have any questions or comments, please send them electronically to the following email:, or contact us at the address below: Krone Consulting s.r.o., Mlynské Nivy 5, 821 09 Bratislava.